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Evolution & Feasibility

History of Monitoring in Tech Space

  • Monitoring in the tech space has a long history, dating back to the early days of computing.
  • As systems grew in complexity, the need for monitoring and observability increased.
  • Initially, monitoring was a manual process that required human intervention.
  • However, with the development of scripting and automation, monitoring became more efficient and scalable.
  • The evolution of monitoring is illustrated in the timeline below.

Monitoring Over the Years

    title Monitoring Evolution
    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    section Manual Monitoring
    A : 1970-01-01, 1980-12-31
    section Scripted Monitoring
    B : 1981-01-01, 1990-12-31
    section Centralized Monitoring
    C : 1991-01-01, 2000-12-31
    section Distributed Monitoring
    D : 2001-01-01, 2010-12-31
    section Microservices Monitoring
    E : 2011-01-01, 2020-12-31
    section Cloud-Native Monitoring
    F : 2021-01-01, 2030-12-31
    section Continuous Profiling
    G : 2021-01-01, 2030-12-31
    section AI-Driven Monitoring
    H : 2031-01-01, 2040-12-31

OTEL Brief

Open Standard for all MiSvc Telemetry.

  • OpenTelemetry is needed for comprehensive observability in modern distributed systems.
  • It provides a standardized approach to capturing distributed traces and metrics, enabling developers to gain insights into the performance and behavior of their applications across various microservices and cloud-native environments.
  • With OpenTelemetry, organizations can achieve end-to-end visibility, troubleshoot issues, and optimize the performance of their applications, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience.
  • OpenTelemetry is an open standard for observability data, providing a single set of APIs, libraries, agents, and instrumentation for capturing distributed traces and metrics.
  • It enables developers to instrument their applications in a vendor-agnostic manner, allowing them to send telemetry data to the monitoring platform of their choice.
  • OpenTelemetry aims to unify the collection of distributed traces and metrics for all applications, regardless of their programming language or framework.

Unique Aspects of OpenTelemetry over APMs

  1. Vendor-Agnostic Approach: OpenTelemetry provides a vendor-agnostic approach to observability, allowing users to send telemetry data to various monitoring platforms without being tied to a specific vendor.

  2. Standardization: OpenTelemetry is an open standard for observability data, ensuring consistency and interoperability across different systems and tools.

  3. Community-Driven: OpenTelemetry is a community-driven project with contributions from various organizations and individuals, ensuring continuous improvement and innovation.

  4. Instrumentation Flexibility: OpenTelemetry offers flexibility in instrumentation, supporting multiple programming languages and frameworks, making it easier to integrate with diverse applications.

  5. Extensibility: OpenTelemetry is highly extensible, allowing users to customize and extend its capabilities based on their specific monitoring requirements.

OpenTelemetry SDK Language Support

  ├── JVM Languages
     └── Java
  ├── Scripting Languages
     ├── Python
     ├── JavaScript
     ├── Ruby
     └── PHP
  ├── Compiled Languages
     ├── Go
     ├── .NET
     ├── C++
     └── Rust
  └── Other Languages
      ├── Erlang
      ├── Swift
      └── Objective-C