Available in 2 modes¶
- Docker compose mode
- KinD cluster mode
1.Docker compose mode¶
$ make otel
2. Kubernetes mode¶
NOTE: While experimenting this
Do not use orbStack, it may be stop working due to resource demand and high network activity.
Instead use Docker-desktop
$ cat local-setup/local-cluster.yaml
kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
disableDefaultCNI: false # <--- This is for custom CNI like cilium
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
2.Local alias¶
alias ktl="kubectl"
alias kctx="kubectx"
3.Create a cluster¶
$ kind create cluster \
--config local-setup/local-cluster.yaml \
--name otel-demo-cluster
> kctx
kind-otel-demo-cluster <---------
ktl create ns otel
ktl -n otel apply -f kind-deployments
5.Port forward for local-access¶
$ ktl get svc -n otel
$ ktl -n otel port-forward svc/grafana 3000:grafana-ui > /dev/null &
$ ktl -n otel port-forward svc/otelcol 4317:otel-col > /dev/null &
# kill
$ lsof -i:3000 -t | xargs kill -9
$ lsof -i:4317 -t | xargs kill -9
6.Standalone services¶
# python-app
$ cd py-project
$ source venv-otel-demo/bin/activate
$ make deps run
# running server on http://localhost:8000/docs/
$ deactivate
# ------
# Go binary
$ cd go-project # From project root
$ make run
# running server on http://localhost:8080
# -----
# Try the apis
$ curl -s http://localhost:8000/ping/ | jq
$ curl -s http://localhost:8000/propagate/ | jq
$ curl -s http://localhost:8080/api/ping/ | jq
7.Auto instrumentation¶
# Load generator
$ ktl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keyval-dev/simple-demo/main/kubernetes/deployment.yaml
# Install auto-instrumentor
$ brew install keyval-dev/homebrew-odigos-cli/odigos
$ odigos install
$ odigos ui
# Then configure the destination as OTLP gRPC with endpoint: otelcol:4317
# Close odigos
8.Check traces¶
OpenLens -> GrafanaPod -> Auto open portForward
$ ktl delete ns otel
$ kind delete cluster --name otel-demo-cluster
Transform docker-compose -> deployments
Already in-place
$ mkdir kind-deployments $ cd kind-deployments $ MONGO_ROOT=dummy \ kompose --file ../local-setup/local-dockercompose.yaml \ convert --profile all